Yoga poses that can help with your studies! Yoga teacher training India

Yoga poses that can help with your studies!

Yoga poses that can help with your studies!

Yoga teacher training India


No matter whether it’s exams around the corner or a rigorous classroom schedule awaits you after the holidays, there’s a lot that yoga can help you with. These situations typically see most students discarding recreational activities from their daily schedule, which results in increased stress, anxiety, digestive disorders and insomnia. In order to deal with such issues and beat the exam blues, students can opting for yoga and meditation instead.

Experts opine that yogic techniques can not only help refresh you but also aid in boosting confidence. However, students should understand the basics of yoga and practice appropriate postures for positive results.

Shavasana, popular among all yogis, requires you to lie flat on the floor, place your legs apart and close your eyes. Arms should be be placed along your body, with palms open and facing upwards. Hold this position for at least 10 minutes at a stretch. This posture helps to quickly refresh your body and brain when you are extremely tired.

Balasana or the child pose, when practiced everyday can be beneficial in releasing stress. It can be easily practiced at home in your free time. Knees and hips are bent with the shins on floor such that the body faces the floor. The chest should rest on the knees and the head stretched towards the ground. Arms are stretched forward in front of the head.

Sahaj Pranayam is a simple exercise to help reduce anxiety and de-stress your brain. One needs to be seated in the Padmasana with the back straight. After taking a deep breath, rest your chin down on the neck and hold your breath for around 30 seconds. Raise your chin and exhale through the mouth. Repeat for at least 15 times in order to benefit the most. Yoga teacher training India

Sarvangasana is a yoga posture that brings a huge amount of benefits. Though a little difficult for newbies to perform, you need to concentrate hard on getting the back, waist and legs in a straight line vertically above the ground. The body should be balanced with hands placed on the back of the rib cage while the weight comes down on the neck, shoulders and the back of the head.



While practicing trikonasana, the practitioner needs to stand upright with feet spread wide apart. The right foot should be turned 90 degrees outward and left foot 15 degrees inward. Stretch your left hand upward and your right hand towards the floor while keeping the body straight. Hold this position for around two minutes while taking deep breaths to relax the body. Repeat the movement on the other side, in a set of 15 every day.

Makarasana is a yoga posture that resembles a crocodile resting on the water, with its face and neck just above the surface. One needs to lie down on the stomach with the head held up. Now, fold your hands backwards and rest them on your head. Straighten your legs and raise them up a bit. It is much suited for shoulder problems and is best repeated 10 times.

The above listed asanas will help relax your body and mind and can be practiced anytime during the day.


Yoga teacher training India